Me, yuen lin, cai yun, zhewei, meng fei n yi pei *having lunch in fish market.. *
n so mahal a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
later v go 2 gsc n watch the night at museum 2 .. *very funny.. *
n so mahal a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
later v go 2 gsc n watch the night at museum 2 .. *very funny.. *
zhewei sit beside me.. hehe.. n meng fei laugh very loud!! front roll de people all turn around n looking at meng fei.. haha..
later v having shopping.. n meng fei go back 1st.. so sad.. didnt taking a group photo..
n zhewei also back liao.. haiz..
lastly oni v 4 , n v go 2 old town having a tea time.
*er... can as our dinner*
then, v say good bye..
tis is the outing for us...
PS: *Zhewei* say this is her *1st* time outing with friends..
Er... Meng Fei thinking wat??
Zhe WEi eat food 的表情so cute.. hehe..
n Yuen lin..
Got somebody say yi pei eat lik eating the wedding food..
Oh! tis who??? i know is YI pei..
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