Friday, June 12, 2009

tat wil be hard SInfonia LIfe ....

sorry tat.. my story..
cos i seen it to long so i wil be continue in tis post..
after tat , 2.6 is a real camp.. when i having a bath, i genna muntah.. wan pengsan lia.. mayb to pressure for me..
i wearing the ful-u, n 1st coming skul by lorry... cos the mascot, so me, yuen lin, cai yun n lushi tumpang lorry to skul.. v become 焦点 when v coming to skul.. OH ! I HATE IT!!!!
n i stil wearing the SPEC!!! all pp using 奇怪的眼神 look at me!!! ^.^'''
HATE !!! HAte!!!!
ok lolx.. nvm!

but morning inspecition, i late to put up the flag..
so when general assembly i kena marah.. n i kena many hentah.. n total is 185 hentah kaki..
my leg so PANT!!!!!!!!! later, i die lolz.. haiz............. after tis is modern .. the cook is hooi shi n i left in campsite ..
but mascot a.. i dont wan say liao lar.. die die die..
4 hours is pass aways.. them return the campsite n cal us go 2 eat.. but i didnt do tis
cos 没心情... so that day i didnt eat tiok any thing...
tik tok tik tok...
is cabaran time.. n is quite fun.. gt 12 station.. all mus say the name jus can play..
all pp is enjoy it!! is also nice 2 me.. even i not eating any things..
now i stil remember..
myra is color blindness
von is mamee..
li mei n ah heah is miss bean..
pei ee is candle light
s.han is little mermaid..
shu yon is ping pong "bob"
tze yunn is tarzan climb ( 2 station ; n i kena my head to the tress T.T )
sue yin is fruit de ( watermelon is very sweet!!!)
chermin is water de... ( become wet liao!)
theresa is hide n see
n wan ching de is???? ( cos i not goin tis station)
bt my group is the 1st group tat range!
HAPPY!! ^.^
bt i kena marah again... cos the drilling v late to the stadium.. soorryy.... bt v do our bex to finish the formation.. tat time i think i very bad 2 become a PL...N lastly the 1st day camp is end....

the 2nd day... also become the panda 2.. not enought 2 sleep.. the same thing.. G.A time, kena marah again n hentah total is near 110 some thing.. woh.. wan pengsan liao.. but i cant give up yet! ya CANNOT GIV UP YET!
but i already fail in my exam.. i mean my own test.. 2day gt selection, be4 selection i do very worse thing in the world! tat is panji also fail.. cry..
later selection, i hope tradi , sketch n p.s can be choose.. i already giv up the modern .. n i don noe y pei2 do such thing! all the exco were not happy any ways.. I really sorry....
but i very thank bout meng fei help me design the fancy dress.. after tis when i return the campsite... i was angry... cos
i really 不满意 my member 的作风,so my eyes is burn n i scold my member.. (sorry tat.. i really cant tahan liao!!!)
after GA is backwood man.. i already plan all the food, n i told a form 5 hw 2 cook..
bt i not sure izit they can mak it.. worry...... lastly my 猜测 is correct de.. i very 后悔 i not goin tak tis part.. haiz..
n the campnight is coming... ya, is really nice.. han become a P-A system in-change.
but 我不知道我却没有那样的心情enjoy, wan qing also cry n say sorry 2 me.. 我被吓倒了!
wan qing say 她没有做好本分在这次de ATC.. 但是,我已承认她的能力,因为EQ rack 完完整整是她起,我只是帮忙她改而已。我很感谢她,如果没有她,或者我就真的要pengsan ler..
also gt include may2, jin yi them.. thank a lot..!!!
n the camp is over .....

lastly is the finally date.. i cal a hs, n 我向我的Member道歉及感谢,很对不起我对他们如此得凶,感谢她们的协助,虽然这次失败了,但是并不是完全的失败,因为我有了我的member的帮忙啊!
最后,我们就趁这个机会来长大合照,i also take a lot photo.. nice!!!
later 拆gadget ler.. 一想到其实是大家合力的,我却不想哭,因为我从来不想在人家面前显出我最弱的一面。或者吧!
transpot out bamboo 太辛苦了。无法忍受的我,因为疼痛,痛苦,而哭了!那时,真得很辛苦!我完全没想到我被自己打败了!真是的!
my group jus get bes drilling nia.. ya.. is my fault, cos my atc plan as like build gadget comp all r 捣乱了. haiz.. tis wil be the ending....
the ATC is over ler..
n i went back home i really cry... haiz..

but tis wil be my last memory lar...

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